
Talk With Turek: Regardless of cause, most (60% +) of men with azoospermia actually have sperm.

Talk With Turek: How Often is Unexplained Infertility Due to the Male?

The Economist TV (United Kingdom) interviews Dr. Turek about his published research discovery showing that many infertile men may have problems with DNA repair. DNA repair is critical to normal growth and development. Studies show that problems with DNA repair can lead to cancer and infertility in animals. This finding has potentially profound implications on cancer and male infertility, as discussed in the video.

The findings could have an impact on couples’ decisions to pursue high technology pregnancies (assisted reproduction). Dr. Turek has since shown that specific forms of cancer are related to male infertility as men age.

Dr. Turek, who has published in the field of stem cell research, is interviewed about research findings published in 2009 that claimed to have made human sperm in a dish. He was skeptical of the results at that time and expressed this feeling, as did others. Notably, the research paper was retracted from the journal soon after this interview. Since then, Dr. Turek has obtained a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to do similar research.

Jennifer and Brian are struggling to conceive. Brian has been diagnosed with azoospermia and so they went to Dr. Turek to explore their options to have their own child. Dr. Turek explains the latest advances of FNA testicular mappingduring the show.

CBS This Morning interviews Dr. Turek about a common male infertility blockage problem that can be cured with microsurgery. This is the same kind of procedure that is used to reverse vasectomies, but in this case, the patient did not have a vasectomy. He presented with a blockage of unknown cause and Dr. Turek repaired it microsurgically. As a result of the blockage procedure, the couple conceived naturally afterwards.

Patients with male infertility can often present with sperm in the ejaculate that doesn’t move. Sperm must move to find and fertilize eggs during natural conception. These sperm may be fine in every other way, but in this situation, male infertility is the rule. In this interview with CNN, Dr. Turek describes his published invention that was designed to harmlessly “poke” a nonmoving sperm with a weak sugar solution to learn whether the sperm is alive or not. This invention is based on the concept of osmosis in all living cells. If determined to be alive with this technique, these sperm can be used with assisted reproduction to conceive and a couple who bore a child with this technique is highlighted by CNN.

Bay Area KTVU Channel 2 interviews Dr. Turek about his exciting breakthrough in male reproductive health. The interview focuses on his recently published research, performed in conjunction with a team from Stanford University, on stems cells found in men’s testes. This research project created stem cells from the testicles of adult men. This is groundbreaking work because it avoids the use of embryos, viruses and other politically charged mechanisms that have been traditionally associated with the creation of stem cells. This results offers the hope that stem cells derived from male reproductive organs can be used in place of embryonic stem cells to treat and cure numerous diseases.

View From the Bay invited Dr. Turek to explain the advances in the field of fertility preservation. Some of the established methods include sperm cryopreservation and embryo cryopreservation. New methods include the freezing of testicular tissue and the tissue from the testis of pre-pubertal boys. Dr. Turek also mentions the method for women to freeze their eggs before they are fertilized. He recommends Sperm Mapping for men who underwent chemotherapy due to cancer treatment, where even the smallest amount of sperm can be found in the testicle and used for fertility treatment.

The most common male sexual health problem is early ejaculation. This is defined as ejaculation that occurs too early for the satisfaction of either the patient or his partner. This problem really affects the sex lives of men and is much more common that even erectile dysfunction. In this interview for CBS Evening News, Dr. Turek focuses on the diagnosis of early ejaculation and discusses older and newer treatment options for this condition.

There has been an ongoing and vocal worldwide debate over the past decade about whether or not sperm counts are falling among men. This television interview with Dr. Turek was conducted to learn more about the “truth” behind the perceived worldwide sperm count decline in men. How significant is the trend? Could other issues explain a broad decline in sperm counts across the globe? Dr. Turek discusses these issues.

ABC 20/20 news show interviews Dr. Turek about his invention that can select usable live sperm from among a population of nonmoving sperm to use with assisted reproduction. This television interview is based on what is now a very famous case of a prior sperm retrieval from a man after his death. The family wanting the child had seen Dr. Turek on another television interview talking about his invention and they contacted him to see if he could them help as well. The child conceived through Dr. Turek’s help is one of the first babies ever born in the world with the use of postmortem sperm.