I’ve Been Googled!

I’ve given countless lectures in innumerable countries over the last two decades, but I am most excited about the one I am giving next Wednesday. Google has asked me to speak to them during Men’s Health Week. Right down the road at the Googleplex in Mountain View, in the very heart of Silicon Valley.

The Google Invitation

I was enamored when asked to speak at the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, beneath Vasari paintings. I was excited to lecture at the University of Istanbul and spend a day staring at the timeless space that is the Hagia Sophia. And I still jump at the chance to advise our government (the NIH) on matters of men’s health as I feel I may actually be influencing the direction of medical care in our country.
But an “ask” at Google, although not as architecturally or nationally historic, is still an important one, because I may, in some small way, directly influence health care attitudes and awareness among a group (young men) that I consider “medically underserved” for various reasons.
Google didn’t exist 14 years ago. Five years ago, the word “Google” was included as a verb in legendary and authoritative Oxford English dictionary. (“He’s been googling all day.”) Lately, I have the impression that Google may be taking over the earth as we know it. A lecture at Google therefore, offers not only the opportunity to bring medical awareness directly to men, but to a population of men who either are or will be primary “influencers” of other men.

Google Health

Although collectively they may understand all of the secrets of the digital universe, at the end of the day, Googlers still eat, sleep and procreate like the rest of us. Google Health, guided by the moniker “better health comes from better information,” is a recent health and wellness initiative at Google that has taken this quite seriously. It offers nifty tools for anyone to maintain their medical record, set personal goals, track progress with personalized tools, and share health information if they desire.
Personally, I think this is an excellent program for young men since, as a group, they 1) tend to feel immortal and 2) absolutely live for numbers and data. And what numerical trend in their lives is more important to realize and act upon than that suggested by their own bodies? It’s similar to the vintage Maserati with gauges that actually work.

Advice to Google on Sexual Health

My advice to them during Men’s Health Week is contained in a talk entitled “A Guy’s Guide to Maintaining Sexual Health.” What do I mean by sexual health? Issues with erections, sex drive, hormones, fertility, testis cancer, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases. Here are the main points that I’ll make:

  • Having sexual health issues is an easy way to keep from feeling truly immortal.
  • Most sexual health issues are easily treatable.
  • Sexual health is intimately tied to overall health
  • Therefore, a better understanding of sexual health issues will help you on the path toward immortality.

Remember, your body is the only place you have to live; don’t treat it as though you are renting it. I will see you on Wednesday.