Dr. Turek's Blog

An Ounce of (Fertility) Prevention

“I’ve been told that my cancer is now cured… how do I get my fertility back? Patients ask me this question weekly all the time and I am glad to help. Some of the most satisfying medical moments I’ve had are associated with these patients. But when I hear this call for help, it also […]

Ways to Naturally Boost Low Testosterone

Honestly, it seems like I am the first one to say that testosterone is important for a healthy, long life. Clearly, men with low levels, termed hypogonadism, do not live as long as men with normal testosterone levels. I understand too, what testosterone isn’t and can’t do. So, I am entirely empathetic to patients who […]

How to Avoid Male Infertility

Some day, you may want kids…or you may not. It’s not on the top of your mind now as it’s still early in the relationship and you are in that wonderful phase of discovery with your partner.  If this is your station then read on because, in the words of Ben Franklin, “an ounce of […]

The Secret Life of Varicoceles

What’s squishy, worm-like, fills the space in the scrotum above your left testicle, can ache after a run and wreak havoc on your fertility? No it’s not your Johnson; it’s a varicocele. A very-what? A vari-ko-seal. What is a Varicocele? Varicoceles are dilated, tortuous veins that drain the testosterone-rich blood from the testicles. They come […]

Fitting Into Your Genes

“Why Me? I take great care of myself.” I often hear this common question from men with low or no sperm counts who are unable to conceive. In fact, they usually are taking great care of themselves. The fact is, many cases of male infertility are actually genetic and have more to do with the […]

What Testosterone Isn’t

I see a lot of patients who think that their testosterone is good. Even I have been heard to say that it is the “elixir of a man’s life.” Indeed, testosterone is one seriously important molecule throughout men’s lives. In the womb, it determines anatomic maleness. And during puberty, when another splash of testosterone hits […]

Insider’s Guide to Vasectomy Reversal

& Something like 25,000 American men a year want more children after having a vasectomy. The more popular of two options for fatherhood after vasectomy is a vasectomy reversal; the other choice is sperm retrieval for men and in vitro fertilization (IVF, “test tube baby”) for their partners. Even though it is a surgical procedure […]

Will Operate for Food

& Here it goes again. Doctors are out of a job because of _____ (fill in the blank with antisepsis, antibiotics, vitamins, lasers, robots, etc). Now, it’s the Internet. A recent newspaper article discussed that 60% of Americans and 70-90% of Europeans now seek health information online. Especially impressive is the number of older individuals, […]

A Well Lived Life

& Dear William, You called several months ago from across the country to talk with me, as many others do. The story you told moved me as many others do. But the way your story ends is different from many others and, because of this, is now etched in my memory. You broke your back […]