Dr. Turek's Blog

The Google Wrap (Up)

Got a slice of Google life this week with a lecture and lunch on the Googleplex campus. Here’s the Google wrap up. Now, this is a company with great ingredients for a healthy work life: Yoga and massage classes, personal trainers, free bicycles, three squares a day, an on-site doctor, haircuts, car washes, dry cleaning, […]

I’ve Been Googled!

I’ve given countless lectures in innumerable countries over the last two decades, but I am most excited about the one I am giving next Wednesday. Google has asked me to speak to them during Men’s Health Week. Right down the road at the Googleplex in Mountain View, in the very heart of Silicon Valley. The […]

The "Brick" Takes a Beating

While you were blabbing away, your cell phone took a hit this week. Basically cell phones were slammed from two sides. As much as any modern product, the cell phone is about as integrated as a piece of plastic can get into our lives. In 2002, 2% of Americans gave up their landlines for cell […]

The Wild West: Banning Circumcision

Despite living here for 15 years, San Francisco continues to surprise me. In this city renowned for being progressive and open-minded, there ballot item for November 2011 that has the entire world abuzz. The Male Genital Mutilation Bill What’s in the ballot box for this fall is called the “Male Genital Mutilation Bill.” It seeks […]

On Matters of Size

I know that you have been waiting for this post for a good 2 years. Men are constantly reminded that women think that size matters, which plays beautifully into their fear of inadequacy. Well, here is the real skinny on size. A Study of Penile Length My colleagues at UCSF performed a nice study to […]

He’s Gotta Have It

What is that urban legend? An 18-year old teenager thinks about sex every 3 minutes. And that’s while he’s awake. Ah, those were the days. Now that you are older, more serious, possibly more responsible, maybe partnered, and may even have little ones, you may have nowhere near this frequency of sexual thoughts. Haven’t you […]

Women: They’ve Got Me Covered

I think it was Jim Carrey who said, “Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.” Ok, maybe that’s not always the case, but there are several women who have fundamentally shaped my life. Here’s my short list of Happy Mother’s Day recipients: Mother: For obvious reasons (“I wouldn’t be here without you”), […]

Royal Advice for the Ages

Dear Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, I watched your lovely wedding at Westminster Abbey this week. So sorry that I couldn’t make it to the Abbey for the ceremony, but I had to operate that day (and you didn’t actually invite me).  All is forgiven, as I was privileged enough to watch the marriage (from […]

The Secret Life of a Microsurgeon

A recent study on hungover surgeons suggests that they are slower and sloppier after a night on the town. Get them toasted, let them sleep it off and they can’t perform surgery on par the next day. Not surprising findings, given the physical and mental demands of many surgeries. But quite alarming for patients who […]