Sex and Biology 101

When it comes to sex and your body, what is myth, what is magic, what is fantasy and what is true? Fancy yourself a know-it-all? Trying taking this quiz on male sexual biology and see how you do.

The Mens’ Sexual Health Quiz

Yup, the school year has started again. Time for a pop quiz. Which of following are true? You have 5 minutes to finish this test. Feel free to get help if you need it; this is an open book test.

1. An erection that lasts too long can be bad for you.
2. Erections are always sexual in nature.
3. A normal penis is not curved.
4. A man’s sex drive is directly related to his testosterone level.
5. If a man fails (even once) to have an erection during sex, that is a sign that he is not attracted to his  partner.
6. Both testicles are identical in size and should hang evenly.
7. Most men have sex at least once daily.
8. It is normal to lose an erection after climax.
9. You can’t get venereal disease from oral sex.
10. Sexual intimacy requires an erection.
11. Masterbation causes blindness, hairy palms and sterility.
12. Real sex always ends with both partners having an orgasm.
13. Alcohol increases sex drive but decreases sexual performance.
14. Men should always want and be ready for sex.

 The Answers

Most of these statements are false. In fact, only statements #1, 8 and 13 are true. The rest are far flung fantasy, myths or misconceptions. So now you know. The more that’s out there, the more that’s within.